Over-thinking and How to Learn to Let Go.
“I just keep going over and over it in my mind.” Over-thinking and How to Learn to Let Go. Ruminating, over-thinking, obsessing. Whatever you want to call it I’m sure most of us are familiar with it. Yet research shows engaging in this kind of…
Why is Meditation So Hard?
Meditation: the key to peace of mind. Many believe it is, 18 million U.S adults in 2012 in fact, and probably more now. So why is it I hear time and time again, “I know meditation is good for me, but I just find it…
Brain Training
Brain Train Your Way to Happiness Happiness, that elusive concept so many of us seek to attain. But, what actually is it and how is it possible to reach? A molecular biologist turned Buddhist monk and confidant of the Dalai Lama, described by US neuroscientists as “the…