Improve Mental Health With Regular Social Media Breaks
There have been a lot of news reports about the negative impact social media has on mental health, but, at the same time, many people struggle to give it up entirely. However, taking a break from it for a few hours a day could have…
Clues To Show You May Have An Anxiety Disorder
There are many times when it is normal to feel anxious. An exam, job interview or even a tense sports fixture can all bring plenty of nerves. But afterwards, things should return to normal. However, that isn’t the case for everyone. Some people find they…
Student Depression And Anxiety: Why You Are Not Alone
Being a student can be one of the most exciting, adventurous and enlightening periods of your life. But for many, it is far from that. Most folk feel some anxiety when they move away to university and find themselves in an unfamiliar environment surrounded by…
Is Counselling for Me?
It’s normal to question whether or not you should go for therapy, most of us have done at some point. However, the fact that you are even asking the question in the first place suggests there may be an underlying need to go, even if…
Navigating the Teen Talk: Tips and Insights for Effective Parent-Teen Communication
Communication between parents and teenagers can often resemble a complex dance, with both parties trying to find their rhythm in the midst of changing dynamics. Understanding how to communicate effectively with your teenager is crucial for building a strong and supportive relationship. In this blog…
Relational Trauma: The Hidden factor influencing your relationships
Relational trauma, at its core, is the result of chronic emotional, psychological, or physical abuse and neglect within the sphere of relationships, particularly in early childhood. Unlike single-event traumas, like car accidents or natural disasters, relational trauma is an ongoing, pervasive experience that shapes a…
Improving Communication in Your Relationship: Taming the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Every relationship has its ups and downs, and communication plays a crucial role in how we navigate these challenges. Dr. John Gottman, a renowned psychologist and researcher, has identified four destructive communication patterns that he aptly calls the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.” Let’s explore…
Breaking Free from the Anxious-Avoidant Relationship Trap
Are you experiencing intense emotional ups and downs or frequent arguments in your relationship? Do you have periods following fights where you make up, only for it to be short-lived? Does one of you appear to be more ‘needy’ or ‘clingy’ than the other? Do…
Over-thinking and How to Learn to Let Go.
“I just keep going over and over it in my mind.” Over-thinking and How to Learn to Let Go. Ruminating, over-thinking, obsessing. Whatever you want to call it I’m sure most of us are familiar with it. Yet research shows engaging in this kind of…
Why is Meditation So Hard?
Meditation: the key to peace of mind. Many believe it is, 18 million U.S adults in 2012 in fact, and probably more now. So why is it I hear time and time again, “I know meditation is good for me, but I just find it…
Brain Training
Brain Train Your Way to Happiness Happiness, that elusive concept so many of us seek to attain. But, what actually is it and how is it possible to reach? A molecular biologist turned Buddhist monk and confidant of the Dalai Lama, described by US neuroscientists as “the…